Friday, January 14, 2011

New Years Resolutions

Goodbye 2010, Hello 2011....Out with the old....and NO!, nothing new coming in. I will admit to one of my New Years resolution..."The De-Clutter Project" Just invite someone to stay at your home while you're gone....amazing what plan of action will kick in. Who knows what closets or drawers could be opened, perfect time to tackle your hidden storage spaces. It's the top of my list for resolutions and I made a contract with myself to forge ahead and finish.

That kicked in like a bomb went off......Good lord, I don't want anyone to think I might collect more than needed. My goal was to tackle a drawer or closet each morning before daylight until the house is done, which should be easy for me, I'm an early riser and usually get more done before my recently retired husband crawls from the bed to the recliner to catch CNNs Robin Meade, his second love. The bonus would be getting him to take on the garage, contents and organizational structure. Less than one week, it's almost in order, at least the house is.

Now I haven't tackled our clothing or extra closets yet, that's a separate category but those are next. Can't buy anything unless I give something away...great rule, must be an "Oprah Rule". Now I have to just not eat for 3 days so I can try to fit in to all the clothes that haven't fit for 10 year but I couldn't part with them. That's the biggest challenge and one that will take the longest.

As far as his closets, it's hands off so far. I'm a little curious how someone can have 10 green camouflaged jackets, pants and double on the hats, Come on, do you think the little varmints know when you wear the same outfit twice? NO, these guys are victims of year-end hunting catalogs and the need to keep up with that ever changing "Cabellas" look.....I need to just start getting to the mailbox first. He claims there is a purpose for each outfit...come on!

this could take longer than planned...I may have to re-think my strategy. Once I'm done though, I'll be ready to tackle all my fun winter projects and goals which include more playing in the great outdoors and less computer use. My new snowshoes (xmas 2009) will weave through the rising Lake Michigan ice caves that dot the Straits of Mackinac and my front yard, my cross country skis will get a new wax job and find their way to the Sand Dunes Trail system, pull out my ice skates and get to the rink or pond, I'll fine-tune my Pickleball game and maybe even read a mindless book, all knowing my house is in order and my closets are ready should anyone want to just "take a peek".