Saturday, December 11, 2010

Cords for this, chargers for that, Yikes!

It's Saturday afternoon, snows falling softly and it's beginning to look a lot like XMAS.   Ok, I lost my camera, at an October convention bought a new one, now found my old one, in my sports bag,  (surprise surprise). Different flash cards, different readers, now I've got 2 different chargers, cords for this, cords for that, now I misplaced my ipod but I'm sure my smart phone will tell me where it's at, (if that's not dead by now), my laptop is turning funny colors, sure it's time to replace. I'm out of electrical outlets to plug these devices into and God forbid I head out on a trip without most of them.    I have no idea why I'm even on facebook except I just listened to a speaker who said take care of your social media work today, so, here I am and I'm pretty sure I've just burned my XMAS cookies.  Better take a nap:)  Happy Saturday.